Goldhagen, from “Degraded Public Realm,” in “Educating for Urban Sustainability”

academic university education, Architecture of Cities, Architecture of Conviviality, Civic Architectural Theory, Critical Pluralism, critical thinking, liberal arts, Morphology, professional architecture education, Sustainable Urbanism

“‘What do graduate programs in urban design, and especially in architecture, teach? Although they vary from institution to institution, certain commonalities exist. One is that such programs generally give short shrift to the study of sociology of urban and suburban life, leaving students without the knowledge or tools to understand the environments for which they design. As a result, students tend to focus their ideas overwhelmingly on forms, with little informed awareness of how their buildings will contribute to a larger urban composition and to the social existence of communities.'”

via Educating for Urban Sustainability…And Remembering Doug Darden – Intercultural Urbanism.

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